Nashville is a pretty rad city! east Nashville in particular. reminds me
of South and East Austin- something about the architecture here, they are really into
buildings that like castles, there are way more here than i have photographed.
it's been hard to find any impromptu gigs here, as i thought it would be; this town is full of musicians and booked up venues, but good venues, booking a tour through here is a good idea especially if you stick to east Nashville. so far busking has not been lucrative, but i shall try again tonight, hit the drunk downtown crowd, just like in Austin. but i've been considering my friend Sick as a model to go by, he works tirelessly to find gigs for himself, so think of him when i start to feel beatdown- only i don't have the versatility and skill he has so my options are limited compared to his-(please don't give me any pep talks about this even though i appreciate your concern and support, this is just a sober observation and a chance for me to reflect and it just takes a lot of work to get to the point i want to be at.) either way, i'm working every time i come to a city and i like it. work.
went to an old time jam at a fiddle repair shop last night- full of really good players,
i held on to some stuff but had some mishaps as well, again, i am reminded of what i need to work on as a musician, the trick is to stay positive about it. Work.
i'm more excited about going to Bowling Green now that i've found a bunch of couch surf people up there- the mountains are coming soon, by east Kentucky i'm gona be climbin' all the way to Asheville. i suspect the 60 and 70 mile days will be done with at that point.
so so far i've broken two spokes, the stay on my front rack and my front derailleur cable is fraying and rusting- that's not bad considering i've covered just over a thousand miles in a month- i'm goin' to the bike shop today to effect repairs, i may get a new back well depending on how much i can get one for...... ah Nashville, takin' my money, not givin'.....
i met this funny and cool old farmer in Shady Grove, 60 miles outside of Nashville- he was a hoot- said, after i told him what i did for a living, "man, i've never worked a day in my life, i've been a farmer all my life." i thought that was hilarious, he works his ass off from sun up to sun down- guy is 85 years old. Work.
i don't remember if i mentioned this in my other post, but the bridge at the end of the Natchez Trace just outside of Nashville is this giant amazing thing! this trip has a huge bridge spot in my psyche now, every time i cross a major bridge and even some of the smaller ones i feel wonder at the engineering skill that produces them- my picture at this bridge at the end of the Trace don't do it justice, you can see how small everything looks- oh yeah, i did post about the bridge already- no need to repeat- i digress and now it's time to step off the computer for a while.
thanks for reading,
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