looks like the weather is gona keep me here til Wednesday.
this past weekend saw Louisville celebrating Labor day with Worldfest and the Kentucky Bluegrass and Burgoo Festival- HAR! what's Burgoo you ask??? that what what the MC of the bluegrass festival wanted to know and the banjo picker for Town Mountain too..... the MC picked on all the banjo pickers to play clawhammer, i think he was from Virginia, i'm not sure-(should have asked- i was a bit under the weather that day so i was less interested in talking to a lot of folks-too bad).
Burgoo, is a Kentucky cuisine which consists of beef, potato, carrot, corn and what ever else you've got left over in the fridge- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burgoo- these folks have a funny sense of humor about it too.
The Bluegrass was Bad ass! nough said.
Worldfest was really fun. Louisville has a very diverse population which is not always apparent on the streets, but these people cam out in force-there was Chines dance, Greek dance, Louisville drum corps, Vietnamese pop, (which was really good), Russian Gypsy, belly dance, Haitian food, Ethiopian, you name it. one of the best bands i saw was a mariachi band, they were super tight and apparently really funny. the best band was locals Ut Gret, (http://www.utgret.net/meetthegrets.htm), i walked up on these guys playing Der Hizzer Bulgar, the instrumentation was electric guitar, drums, bassoon, clarinet, keys and trumpet, bass and two cabaret dancers, one of which is my new dream girl...
this band blew my brains out. crazy dissonant tones and intricate arrangements and humor!
busking outside world fest was good. later on sunday the Sudanese guys came out and crowded around me, threw money in my case and were just generally fun people. we played a song together-(http://www.myspace.com/twentywomen/photos/233963)-that was probably the best part of the day!
okay, time to hit the flea market.....
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