last entry was from Booneville-
i never made it out to meet the story telling double thumb banjo picker, who's name is actually Loyal Gail Moris. i was just too tired and needed to get a good nights rest, the sort of thing i would not have gotten if ida met up with that guy. note: in that part of Kentucky from Booneville to Wheelwright they'd say "get up with" that guy, which sounds kind of odd to me. it's one of those things that is distinctly regional and only sounds good coming out of their mouths. another thing they say is "Yuh" which sounds complete adorable coming out of a small blonde lady's mouth or perfectly sound coming out of a Pike County Sheriff's mouth. they put it in conversation as agreement or an acknowledgement after your sentence, as in Texan you'd say "yep" or "yessir". i've tried to adopt it in my speech but it just doesn't sound the same.
left Booneville 09/16/2011 rode to Hazard-
i sort of regret not gettin' up with Loyal..... twenty miles away in Buckhorn they knew about him. Buckhorn! about half way down the mountain is Buckhorn, the pictures here are Buckhorn in it's entirety. in Buckhorn they have this beautiful old church they are restoring, they are so proud of it they gave me a key to go inside and look at it. really friendly folks. there was a pipe organ in there. Awesome! they have a lady that plays it every sunday that is 70 some odd years old (i think they said) and an expert.
i met four other cross country cyclist outside of Buckhorn, the first of them was named Adam, he was from Virginia i believe. we were both really excited to see each other, we met at the top of his accent/beginning of my decent. i can't explain the joy of running into another cross-country cyclist on the road but it's always a bonding experience. then there were the three other guys from LA who took the train to the east coast and were now cycling back, they had been through the biggest of the Appalachians already, stuff i was just about to be hitting. the had been riding with Adam for a while and were about ten minutes behind him, however Adam thought they were a day a few hours or a day ahead of him.
it mostly a down hill coast to Hazard and catching the tail stream of the coal trucks.
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